Gay flag mlm

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They’re a push for inclusion and acceptance above all else. They also are usually seen as representative of LGBT communities fighting for their own freedoms and rights. They show that you not only accept but celebrate those who have different genders and sexualities to you. When you wear pride flags as part of your outfit or hang them by your home, you show that you’re a safe person for others in the community.Īll pride flags are a symbol of inclusion and solidarity. They don’t just symbolize your own pride in the community but bring unity between you and other LGBT people. There are a lot of reasons why pride flags are important. Read on to learn some of the most common flags that you might want to let fly! Like any other movement, there are visual cues that you’re a part of a larger- and prouder- group. Here, we’re going to talk about some of the main reasons why LGBTQ+ flags are important.

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It’s more than simply an identity- it’s both a community and a movement. If you’re one of the 5.6% of Americans who identify as LGBT, you already know how amazing pride is.

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