Grandpa scat porn gay

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When she bears down with all the power in her abdomen to force a huge, hard brown log through the supple elastic grip of her asshole I can't look away. I reckon an athletic young chick, like a gymnast, stretching into a squat, splits or pike displaying the long strong sinews of her legs and the muscular pulsing of her pelvic floor and anus, is pretty hot. So why is scat such a problem? In my case scat is pretty polarising I love some kinds and find other kinds rotten. But I don't let it wreck my day just because others like the fantasy of it. (Well, I guess shit is also a problem, more in the sanitation/engineering field than sexuality) I happen to find scenes of extreme abuse against women pretty disturbing, mostly because they lack originality, but also because of normal empathy. Had to chuckle at some of the wowser posts complaining about shit fetish, that didn't mention anything about extreme violence or abuse that actually, really is a problem out in the real world.

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